132. You'll Make It and They Will Too- On Preteen and Teen Parenting (part 4), with Amy Betters-Midtvedt

Season #3

This podcast series features Amy Betters-Midtvedt talking about parenting preteens and teens. She has written parenting articles for major publications as well as the book called You'll Make It and They Will, too- Everything No One Talks About When You're Parenting Teens. She is very transparent and tells stories that will leave your eyes wide open and you will learn at the same time! This week we get to know her a little and hear of her transition to her kids' teen years.

The previous podcast series was with Pastor/Dr. Ken Castor which was great because it laid out a very solid foundation for our faith and our kids' faith as we walk the teen parenting walk. I highly recommend you go back and listen before you listen to that series as it is a good preface for this one!

Amy and I had a very fun, long conversation so this podcast is likely to be part of a series spanning four weeks.

You can reach Amy at:

@Amy Betters-Midtvedt (FB)

@Amy.Betters-Midtvedt (Instagram)

@amymidtvedt (X)

And if you want a private response from me, contact me at [email protected]

Until next week, when we will hear more of Amy's stories, remember to rest in the Lord!