110. What Will Be In Season 3? with Laurie Donahue

Season #3

And... we are now entering into Season 3 of Adventure Parenting with Grace. On today's podcast, I am sharing a little of what is coming in the next few months.

I think what is most exciting is the FREE small groups (cohorts) of parents and experts we are setting up to talk about the struggles and the wins we are experiencing in parenting. The group will meet on Zoom and be 4-8 people so everyone can be heard. I will lead out and help to keep us on track but I will also encourage your participation. It will be fun and hopefully helpful for everyone who comes. I will try to find the best times for most people. We will begin next week, Thursday, Sept 19. You can sign up here.

Then I'll give you a preview of upcoming guests. Here is an overview:

  • Mike and Nicole Collazo are authors who will talk about several points, such as walking kids through embracing change, small beginnings with big results, good friendships, leadership, and loving the unlovable. They have written a children's picture book, Cozy Critters on the Ark, that can be a springboard to discuss these topics.
  • Dr. Ken Castor is an author and youth pastor who will talk about helping teens and preteens with anxiety and helping to deal with those who are "swept up by the Swifties." He Has written Grow Down: How to Build a Jesus-Centered Faith and is the editor of the Make a Difference Youth Bible (NLT).
  • Judy Gerry is a Bible Study leader and has written numerous Bible Studies, including Ancient Paths for Modern Women. In this podcast, we will talk about how we can best deal with all kinds of adversity. Today's culture is full of it! Her biblical perspective is laid out in the study, Facing Adversity. 
  • Conor Gallagher is a lawyer-turned-businessman and multiple CEO who will introduce us to the Well-Ordered Family System to help parents lead their families reduce chaos and bring clarity and order, both in the present and in the future.   

I am so looking forward to these episodes and also meeting you on September 19th, in our Zoom group cohorts. Please click to sign up and tell me which time is best for you. See you soon!