103. Family Communication in Comparison, Goals, Purpose, and Frustration (part 2), with Lauren Amaro

Season #2

I am happy to replay this wonderful podcast (part 2) from August of 2022.

This is part 2 of my interview with Lauren Amaro which brings a unique blend of research, spiritual wisdom, and practicality to this podcast. This week she shares about our frustration- why we get frustrated and practical tips to relieve frustration. She talks about the input-output model and also, how to deal with difficult situations such as an ADHD diagnosis.

0:00   Introduction
1:15   Why do we get so frustrated?
2:58   Dealing with our kids' humanity
4:18   Emotional regulation skills
6:46   What does God say to the frustrated parent?
9:52   Input/output model unraveled
13:08 More secrets for highly frustrated parents
15:07 When is comparison healthy?
18:56 Labeling our kid's health diagnosis (ADHD)
24:19 When there are gaps in our parenting
26:05 Final words

Lauren Amaro is an associate professor of Communication at Pepperdine University. As a Ph.D. professor, she researches, studies, and teaches topics such as:

  • Communication and Conflict
  • Communication Research Methods
  • Family Communication
  • Interpersonal Communication

During this interview, Lauren recommends 2 books. Here are the links to those books. 

The Whole Brain Child
No Drama Discipline

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